We are all in a race, and we all have a purpose to run this race, Don't we? Every thing we have in Life will fade away and is temporal, but what does remain till we die...!!!? Not our fashion wardrobe, house, gadgets, expensive cars, or relationships. But being realistic, though I'm not so comfortable saying this, It will be only us; I mean, Only you! Just as you came into the world alone, will you also return. Don't be alarmed, we still have hope that's why we are thinking together. 3 things will remain as a treasured gift from our Creator.....till the end! Our body, soul and spirit will remain until our breath stops. Yes! We are all aware that we have a Body, Soul and spirit right? Just like Our Creator who is 3 in 1(Father - Son - Holy spirit) Father God As in Genesis 1 :27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Son Jesus As in John 3:16 ...